Enrolment at Lobethal Community Kindergarten is an easy process.


Your child is eligible to start kindergarten with us at the start of the the school year, depending on when they turn 4.

If your child’s birthday falls on or before April 30th, then they will start kindy in term one of that year. If their birthday falls on or after May 1st, then they will start kindy at the start of term one the following year. Further information, including a birth date calculator and fact sheets can be found at the Education Department’s Early Years site.


Once you have decided to join us, all you need to do is fill in the attached Waiting List Form (see below) and send it into kindy. Alternatively, you can pop in and see us and we can give you a hard copy Waiting List or Enrolment Form for you to complete.

It is never too early to put your child’s name down on our waiting list. The waiting list enables us to plan for future enrolments inline with staffing and centre capacity entitlements.


Immunisation requirements exist for a child to enrol and attend an early childhood service.

After changes to the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 (the Act), from 7 August 2020, children will not be able to enrol in or attend early childhood services unless all immunisation requirements are met (No Jab, No Play).

What does this mean for enrolling my child?

On or after 7 August 2020, early childhood services cannot enrol new children into their service if their parent or carer has not given the service current immunisation records. The child’s current immunisation history statement must show that they are up to date or on a recognised catch-up schedule.

For more information on No Jab, No Play, including information on how to access your child’s immunisation history statement click here.

Please feel to contact the director if you would like further information.


Waiting List and Enrolment Forms are linked below.
To access files please download the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

 Preview Download File Size  File Type 
 Pre-School Registration of Interest Form  248 KB  Adobe PDF
 Form P – Pre-School Enrolment Form  420 KB  Adobe PDF


In the term prior to your child starting with us, a letter will be sent to you inviting family members to join us for an information session. At this session, parents and caregivers can complete a Pre-School Enrolment Form (Form P) if not done so already, whilst learning about the kindergarten year and transition process.