Lobethal Community Kindergarten is managed by a Governing Council – basically comprised of a group of parents.
An Annual General Meeting is held in February each year to elect the Governing Council for the following year.
The Governing Council performs a range of duties, including:
• Managing the centre’s finances.
• Making sure the grounds, buildings and equipment are maintained.
• Setting priorities for improvements.
• Setting policy for change and future directions.
• Representing the interests of all users of the centre’s services – playgroup, pre-entry and kindergarten.
The Governing Council is comprised of parents with little or no committee experience, but who are willing to ‘give it a go’ and learn as they go. New members may join at any time (positions permitting) by simply attending the next meeting. Meetings are held twice a term and are advertised in newsletters and on the notice board near the kindergarten front entrance.
Chairperson: Tanya Schild
Vice Chairperson:
Secretary: Renea Cockrell
Playgroup Representative: Nicole Wood/Janice Jenkin
- Laura Waples
- Paige Dauchier
- Rachel Stormonth
- Christine Bennett
- Nicole Wingrove
- Kait Pfeiffer